Sóller, located in a fertile valley of the Sierra de Tramuntana, dazzles with its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Surrounded by mountains and orange groves, this charming village has captivated visitors for generations.

The history of Sóller is intertwined with the citrus industry, especially oranges and lemons, thriving in its Mediterranean climate. During the 19th century, the connection between Sóller and Palma strengthened with the construction of the Sóller Railway, a picturesque wooden train that still operates and offers a scenic journey from the coast to the heart of the valley.

The center of Sóller is highlighted by the Plaza de la Constitución, presided over by the parish church of San Bartolomé. Modernist architecture, represented in buildings like the Banco de Sóller and the old hospital, adds a distinctive touch to the city.

Sóller is also known for its valley, surrounded by imposing mountains, and the Puerto de Sóller, a charming coastal town with a natural harbor. Playa d'en Repic and Playa des Traves are popular destinations for enjoying the sea and panoramic views.

Local festivities, such as the Fira de Sóller in May, celebrate Mallorcan culture and traditions. Additionally, the Sóller tram offers a unique experience by connecting the village with the port through a picturesque route.

In summary, Sóller is a jewel of Mallorca that combines the splendid nature of the Sierra de Tramuntana with the history and vitality of a vibrant village.